Buoy data from NOAA can include wind speed, gust and direction as well as air pressure, water temperature, wave height and other relevant marine data.
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NAUTICAL CHART: The essential cartographic reference based on Hydrographic Office data, Notices to Mariners, new publications, our own surveys, and reports from users.Get the most out of your time on the water: plan routes for your next coastal cruising adventure, improve your depth awareness to find the best fishing spots with our contour maps, sail with confidence knowing you have a variety of helpful features at your fingertips! THE Boating HD Marine & Lakes SUBSCRIPTION Cracked INCLUDES:
Chart layers will reside on your device even after expiration. > SUBSCRIBE FOR ONE YEAR: choose your favorite areas and get the subscription. > TRY FOR FREE: download «Boating HD Marine & Lakes Full Unlocked» and get a 2-week trial of the subscription. Nautical charts for cruising, fishing, sailing, diving and all your activities on the water! Get the same detailed marine & lake charts and advanced features as on the best GPS plotters Boating HD Marine & Lakes.
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